czesc, potrzebuje przewieźć 2 sofy w Worcester dosłownie 3 mile, czy masz czas żeby to zrobić, jak tak to kiedy i o której by Tobie pasowało, bodo soboty musze je odebrać
Hello, I need to carry 2 sofas in Worcester literally 3 miles, do you have time to do this, and so when and which You fit, bodo Saturday I have to pick them up
part, needs to carry 2 sofas in Worcester literally three miles, if you have the time to do it, how so, when and where would you fit, Bodo Saturdays I have to pick them up
hello, need move 2 sofa in worcester literally 3 miles, do you have time to do it, so when and where would you fit, bodo saturday i have to pick them up