Napisz jak juz dojedziesz , raz jeszcze dziekuje za prezent ... Ale naprawdę nie musisz mi robic drogich prezentów abym czuła sie wyjątkowa , dajesz mi to odczuć każdego dnia kiedy jestes przy mnie
Write as I arrive, once again thank you for a gift ... But really you don't need me to do expensive gifts that I felt in August, you give me to feel every day when you are with me
Be as already you arrive, once again thank you for a gift ... But I really do not need me to do expensive gifts me feel special, give me that feeling every day when you're with me
write when i get there, once again, thank you for the gift. but really, you don't have to do me expensive gifts to feel special, i feel it every day when you're with me