Jednocześnie 50% badanych stosujących ustniki typu „boil and bite” (3 z 6 osób) wskazało na występowanie dolegliwości bólowych podczas zaciskania zębów w celu utrzymania ustnika.
At the same time, 50% of respondents using the mouthpieces of "boil and bite" (3 of 6 people) indicated for pain when clamping the teeth in order to keep the mouthpiece.
At the same time 50% of respondents using mouthpieces of "boil and bite" (3 of 6 people) indicated the presence of pain during clenching in order to keep the mouthpiece.
While 50% of patients using spouts "boil and bite" (3 to 6 persons) indicated the presence of pain during crimping teeth in order to maintain mouthpiece.